Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Virgin Undone : First Meme

Meme as defined by designfederation consists of any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that gets transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. This blog say that Memes function the same way genes and viruses do, propagating through communication networks and face-to-face contact between people.
And this meme is floating around on the net and I've decided to stain my blog with a 'popular' mass consumerist idea. Lets see whether this thing called Internet really works!

The rules:
1. Post the rules of the game at the beginning.

2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player then tags five people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read the player’s blog.
4. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.

What were you doing five years ago?
Answer : Five years ago, I was 17, just out of school and looking for a college.

What are five things on your to-do list for today?
I'm a very lazy person (read procrastinator) and hence, my to do list sounds like this :
1. Wake up at a suitable time.
2. Try to take a bath at a suitable time.
3. Read a certain portion of a book. (These days its Archer's Not a Penny Less, Not a Penny More).
4. Found more about my Journalism application
5. Think!

What are five snacks you enjoy?
1. Anything with Chicken!
2. Chocolate, especially Fruit n Nuts.
3. Sprouts...Too Healthy!
4. Vanilla Ice cream with cashews.
5. Apples...Like Poirot's Mrs. Ariaddne Oliver.

What are five things you would do if you were a billionaire?
1. Buy a big library and all the books in the world.
2. Never think about working of course!
3. Start travelling (to places on my LIST) with a mobile library.
4. SAVE! I'm big on no waste.
5. Ya...other people...need to be given something too...

What are five of your bad habits? (This should be good...I hate and love criticizing myself)
1. Unorganized mind, body and room.
2. Obssessed with nitpicking others' faults.
3. Never taking care of myself.
4. Thinking and Believing that books are much more important than people...sorry, some people. (I was in tears, when in The Day After Tomorrow, they burn all the books as fuel.)
5. Being very, very, very lazy! (Look at this blog!)

What are five places where you have lived?
Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, Delhi and Delhi!

What are five jobs you’ve had?
Never had a paying job before....guess have to rectify that. Soon.

Tag 5 other people
Here goes.. I dunno anyone who would willingly do a meme. Anyone interested in it, just do as the instructions say. Leave a comment if you do so.

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