is being heralded by the Slate as the man who changed TV criticism. Alan Sepinwall has made me fall in love with Mad Men, Breaking Bad and I’m sure more are soon to follow. An excerpt from the well-written Salon article:
His recaps appear online in record time, typically bursting with incisive commentary and wit." Sepinwall's output is also legendary: He's currently reviewing between 10 and 15 shows each week, which he says is "a fairly light schedule for me."
His earlier blog was a wonderful discovery that I am really grateful for. It was the epic series The Wire that directed me towards his blog and since then I have always turned to Sepinwall after finishing every episode that he also reviews.
I loved his reviews of Dexter, Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and recently Community.
Sepinwall (or the king of the form) can now be read here.