Its 23rd already and there's barely a month left.
Its so near!!
Lord V is going down.
And I'll probably have college that day but I'm so skipping!
Book Seven just comes once in years~!
I've also been reading fanfictions, lampoons and parodies. Especially of the movies...They frikkin leave so much out in the movies! Especially Marauders, Dobby. And in this movie, all the Quidditch and Mundungus...CRAZY! Recently I found this parody by Opungo called Deleted scenes from Harry Potter. Its hillarious, and one goes like this..(this is for those who have seen the movies too!) :
Ron: (poking his head in to the compartment) Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full.
Harry: Not at all. (Ron sits down)
Ron: I’m Ron, by the way. Ron Weasley.
Harry: I’m…I’m…er…I’m…Henry! Henry Portings! Wait, no, that’s not it…aw, DAMN IT! I forgot my lines again!
Hagrid: Yer a wizard, Harry.
Harry: I’m a what?
Hagrid: No, WIZARD. W-I-Z-A-R-D! Blimey yer stupid.
(This was awesome!)
The other one I found very funny was a total parody of the second movie called Harry Potter and the Plumbing of Doom (isn't the title ...???) by Darth Maligna.
One moment in it goes something like this...
"...they arrive back at the Burrow. Inside, Harry watches as Fred, George, and Ron’s hands on the clock move from “lost” to “home”. He vaguely wonders where everyone else is since their hands are not at home.
RON: It’s not much, but it’s home.
HARRY: It’s brilliant. Then again, anything’s brilliant compared to behind bars or in the closet.
RON, FRED, AND GEORGE: You were in those places, too?
HARRY: Erm."
You gotta read it to believe it!