Monday, July 25, 2011

Why Star Wars?

I am extremely late to this but I just finished watching Star Wars: A New Hope. The movie only seemed important to me in terms of the popular culture references it generates and if one is unaware of the film and its expanded circles, one would not be part of this inclusiveness.

The film itself is decent. I appreciate the wide scope, the grandeur and the epic narrative. Some effects seem ahead of their time and many just remind me of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or Doctor Who. But some things are extremely mind-boggling.


- Why is Princess Leia so irritating? She’s loud and demanding. And the hairstyle – my god!

- Because I am so late to hear ‘May the force be with you’ in its actual context, I was immediately reminded of the Indian Superman ‘Shaktimaan’, where the villain and his party often end their conversations with andhera kayam rahe (May there be darkness). And of course, there’s always Superman.


- The light sabers are actually a cool concept, expect for the noise they generate. They’re too noisy if one is planning a homely homicide.


- Is someone inside the suits or are they just bots?


- I don’t think it says much for the film if I like C-3P0 or R2-D2 more than the humans, does it? Those guys didn’t even care that R2-D2 was injured! Jerks!