Listening to : Soulful sound of silence
Feeling : Tired and Reflective
This blog has been delayed long time. I wanted to write a lot on death and how I feel about it. But then I think I certainly can't write about it, because I haven't experienced it as of yet. I believe in the experience of a lived event. One can live a whole life without experience. I think I'd define the act of experiencing as a travelling through circumstance. It may pain or it may feel delightful but in the end, there's always YOU, who knows what has happened. Experience makes you the witness of the event.
Do I feel like I'm living...Sometimes. But then there was this dream I had where someone just pushed me off a building. I woke up with a panic and touched myself to feel if I still was alive. Then I touched the books lying next to me and the iron railing of my bed. It felt cold and I knew that I was just dreaming. I felt relieved but then sad. Becasue surely being relieved of being back suggests a fear of death and when death just overpowers you in its mere concept, how far can you be away from the real deal?
I wanted to write this blog since a long while, as I said before. There was a wedding in my family, but alongside the possibility of making new relations existed the finality of loss. Someone just passed away. Passed Away. It feels like there's another place where someone has gone to live the life they had. Or it might be a place where there's just a silent blank. I could conjecture, but the experience is all that I will wait for.