Listening to: Light My Fire - The Doors
I'm not a fanatic. Usually I try to mantain a distance from subjects, issues and try to listen to the other side. As a Journalist in training (unwilling at that), I am being taught not to be influenced by any coercion or attitude and preudice. But this time, I realize I have to do it.
Its hard to be comfortable when you are in an unfamiliar city. Chennai seems a hybrid town, struggling as a modernized jungle. Straddling the identity of a city and a village, it fails miserably in both. I'm being very judgemental here, but its the voice of a person who has left home for a short time and finds herself in a alien city that is reluctant to accept change. Trapped in its singular language and cult-star-love, it is half accepting and the other half, I am unable to decipher; But maybe most cities are like that. Maybe I've just lived in one city all my life and that might hinder Chennai's chances.
Chennai has one thing working for it though...It is the treasure trove of classic movies that are available at a very affordable price. I've already bought a few and plan to buy more. Can't love a city, but am always there to corrupt it!