Thursday, April 8, 2010

It’s changing. Probably. Someday

I miss writing.

Somehow, going through the wires each day and seeing political policies, crime and violence and just plain ol’ news, has made me jaded. It has also pushed me away from writing, something that I enjoyed occasionally.

So, now I’ve decided to do something about it. I will probably start writing reviews of things I see daily but am too lazy to post about. And these will be, of course, anime.

Watching these shows everyday, I have somehow managed to form an opinion about them (something I usually avoid). So, even though these reviews won’t be lengthy, they will have more screenshots and comments and less analysis (Which I was trying to do in my other blog…)

So, even though I can’t put a date on it, I’ll start soon. Probably. Someday. Soon.

In any case, I don’t feel too bad cause…
