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Feeling Overjoyed. I always wanted Kimi to win. He deserved it very much. And he did it with style. A race that could have easily been won by the talented McLaren team, went to the hardworking Finnish guy. The Ice Man. Steve Slater said that the "spoilt child" finally got his eye on the prize and went for it.
Some would say that between the two great talents, Raikkonen just got lucky. That is somewhat true. Alonso with his attitude problem and Hamilton is just too young to get the Championship (I think). Kimi was just the right guy at the right moment. He worked hard enough and swept the competition off. No one was really expecting him to defeat the McLarens, but he did it and KUDOS to him. I have been worshipping for Kimi to win. The race somehow seems lifeless without him there. I hope he keeps up the performance. Ferrari is so lucky!
They'll be celebrating in Finland now.