Friday, November 18, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cavity: The tale of the lizard and the snake


They just disappeared in the darkness, somewhere
The lizard and the snake
Coming and leaving,
meeting and parting
Reunited, but fated to part.

The colour of the sky, they never saw
only the whiteness of the ceiling.
Never reached out to the brightness,
content to live within the confines.

Living to only die, was the lizard’s wish.
Dying was living, said the snake.
With glazed eyes and shaking limbs,
at the waterworks they parted,
the snake slithered and the lizard stayed.
Both wished to meet again, yet never again.

A fateful coupling, I whispered,
Releasing one and taming the other. 
Watching the snake glide,  wishing it would die,
watching the lizard petrified, wishing it would leave.

The sun in the darkness
the snake dies daily.
The darkness in the heart,
the lizard breaks itself, only to be born again.
Blood and black, craving and despair,
taint me again, today.