Just Finished reading Potter and Deathly Hallows!
As it happens, never order a book you've been waiting for since a year from the Internet, because it'll come three days later. Mine came on Tuesday. But the drooling Fan that I am, I bought another copy on Monday night. I saved myself from almost all spoilers, I think. But now, I have two copies. COOL!
Loved the book. Didn't cry much. Loved Kreacher and Dobby, Hermione, Dumbledore, Ginny, Twins, Severus, Neville, Ambigious Draco and Malfoys..
I thought the book was a heavy read and some 10 year old would have problems following the action scenes. They were plentiful cause a lot was going on..
So I read it and if ou'll look below, my most potential deaths came true. I knew it. I'm such a Ravenclaw. (morea bout it laters..)..Onto the Book.
The Dedication - I love how she split it 7 ways! We're her horcruxes/horcri! I love it. I thought she would include the readers there and I was right, wasn't I??
Epigraph - Aeschylus? I dont know whether it was to make her book 'high-brow' because she hasn't done anything like this before. But I loved Aeschylus cause of the revenge the dead theme and I guess even here you gotta do that..Dont know who the other guy is...so I'll keep quiet about that..
The Dark Lord Ascending - Isn't the Malfoy Manor just cool? Peacocks...Ahh...Indian national bird in their yard...! (no post-col reference please!).
But who the hell is Charity? Why couldn't have Jo mentioned her earlier??'cause her death made no impact except on Draco(whose like totally wetting his pants) and Nagini who got a heavy lunch. Aren't the Malfoy family cool? Its like they are true Slytherins...for themselves!
In Memoriam - What I loved about this chapter was Dumbledore's backstory. He was human, at last! But there's so much OOTP angst, I died! Okay, what I love is Dumbledore's are all A. Ariana, Aberforth and Albus. Really neat cool names. His mother reminds me of
Just a side note : I hate Rita!
The Dursleys Departing - YEAH! for Diddykinns!Uncle Vernon needs his head examined.
The Seven Potters - Really?? No. 7?? Nooooooooo! This is the first time number 7 was used in the entire book.
Why didnt Lupin and Tonks tell anyone about getting married? Strageness!
Death : Okay, I'm not animal fan, but I loved Hedwig. She was cool. Harry is such an ass. He's like my owl died and then he' like my owl died and then he's all what's for food?
Fallen Warrior - Cool Misdirection. Its not who you think it is, sorta thing. And I said it'll happen.
Hate the holey joke with the twins, though. Andromeda and Ted are introduced but very short screen time. Its like
Steve Kloves : Lets pretend they dont exist!
The Ghoul in the Pyjamas - So, Hermione is like the coolest ever! She's like Encyclopedia + Library + mini James Bond's Q + Australia Tourism Promotion.
And what I dislike about the book is that hundred people introduced for nothing. Like Fleur's parents. Where the hell do they disappear??
And Ron's a total dickhead + sexist.
The Will of Albus D - Ginny and Harry like Eels... I Like! Cause when you're down with the Horcri, a little lip to lip is all you need to relieve the pressure
Nobert = Noberta. Wish there was her.
Deluminator = Kick ass. Good for snogging in dark places.
First Snitch = Come on. It opens at the close. Its all going down from here. I mean its good that Dumbledore gave it to him, but saying I'm close to death will open it?? REALLY? Isn't this a bit like fantasy..oh wait...its Potter.
Cinderella = illness (that cracked me up!)
The Wedding - Okay, Luna's Dad = Crazier than Luna.
Muriel's right up there with Rita and Voldy Baby.
Again, there's just no use of Krum. He's introduced just to point out stuff and then disappears. Does he live/die?? No idea at all.
By the wa, so many people have cat patronus - Kingsley, Mcgonagal and Umbridge. But there's no Crookshanks/Pig action. Where do they all go?
A Place to Hide - Herrmione kicks ass again.
Grimmauld place is cool. Now why could Snape have gone there and shown Harry his memories? I like the book but no Hogwarts makes me sad!
Kreacher's Tale - Love Rowling. Cant help loving Kreacher after all of this.
Sirius's bedroom = rebellion, punk teenager.
RAB = didnt we already know this? I knew. Harry = stupid.
The Bribe - I hate how Lupin tries to weasel out from Tonks and baby. Like he's 17 and doesnt want to be a father. I hate how Harry insults him to put it right but feels guilty....OOTP Harry again with all the anger.
I like how Harry and Albus share the Godric history. Both sorta orphans and alone. Kendra = cool name.
Umbridge returns. Would love to see her dead...Jo, are you listening?? Why did you leave her midway??
Magic is Might - All you ever read about Nazism and Fascism and stuff returns back to full force. I mean the throne made of flesh/bones, pressed together. The Mad Eye glaring at 'we dont need no education' automatons printing pamphlets.
Okay, the trio reaches Ministry thinking all will be smooth....I think not.
The Muggleborn Registration Commision - Again echoes of the Jews being targeted by Hitler and people. And Umbridge heads this forum.
In this chapter Harry and Hermione both have patroni power. Otters and Stags messing around.
Know what I love = Gemini charm. Duplicates anything. Could it make a few DH copies with recyled paper?? Death Eaters dont do that, I guess.
The Thief - Hermione's bag is brilliant. I mean I could hide all my room in that pocket and it'll be light.
The locket is scary! I mean its like having two hearts. And I wanna try it just for fun.
Okay, who would have guessed that Gregorovich would have made an appearance?? BIZZARE
The Goblin's Revenge - Okay, Ron just turns Slytherin now. Dont say the V name. Cook for me and stuff. Remember me? Ilike Ron with anger. Its like he has to make a stand and return through soul searching. And with stomach full.
Dean returns! With Teddy Baby!
Ron goes away....Sadness
Godrics Hollow - Okay. I thought this chapter would kick ass. It does but not the way you think. After reading multiple fanfics where you see that the trio would go there, here we are with Harry and Hermy polyjuiced as middle aged couple.
WOW for Hermy angst-ness for Ron.
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is Death. I thought like Harry. Isn't this a bit Death Eater-ish?? But Hermione's idea is good... Living through death, living beyond death.
Whats with the polyjuice potion working overtime? Does it last more than a hour if you drink a big dose?
Bathilda's secret - Okay this chapter scares the pants off me. A bit post modern I think and very movie OOTP ending. Bathilda Bagshot = snakey baby which emerges from neck. Sleepless.
I love it when we see how Voldy killed Potters. Love how that muggle kid makes fun of him with the costume!
Hate how James died so ordinarily. No wand and nothing else.
When Harry's wand broke, I thought maybe he'll do Wandless magic...ya, I had hopes.
The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore - I dont like Harry's lack of faith. For six years, he looked upto Dumbledore and now when he's dead, he has such doubts. They aren't baseless, but I mean, one has to show faith.
Albus as friend of Grindelvald is very movie-ish. Friend vs. old friend gone bad. Bollywoodish. James Bond Golden Eye.
FOR GREATER GOOD : Again, Nazi slogans and stuff. A lotta Muggle references.
The Silver Doe - Like this chapter. Its strange how something that Snape did (for Lily) sorta united Ron and Harry again. It also gave them the sword. Its very endearing, the doe, isn't she?
Although I wanted to kill Harry for jumping into the lake. Chivalry, means stupidity. Wearing heart on sleeve = killing self by Hypothermia.
Hermione goes all Molly on Ron. Well deserved, I think.
Xenophilius Lovegood - I wonder who'll play him in the movie. Someone like Lockhart? Okay, I was completely taken aback by the Lovegood turning sneak thing. But understandable.
Luna's bedroom = freaky. Imagine waking up to five people looking at you.
Are you referring to the sign of the Deathly Hallows? At last!!
The Tale of the 3 Brothers - I like this tale. Its a good fairy tale I think. I'd like to have the tales of Beedle the Bard. Its facing death when you want to and when you are ready.
Master of Death : when this term was mentioned, I just knew that Harry would have to be that. To be sorta unconquerable, without horcri magix. This is like opposite of horcrux and more adventurous than exploratory. A nice parallel to dark magic.
The Deathly Hallows - POTTERWATCH! Coolest show ever. Kingsley, Lupin, Fred and George...wow. Love the twins. Basilisk vs. Voldy..Awesome!
Okay, Hagrid as head of house having "Support Harry Potter"party...very cool and familiar.
Harry, the Idiot says the V and people appear. Think before you speak!
Malfoy Manor - I liked how Draco partially refused to recognize the trio. And then aunt Bella came and said it. Hate her.
Hermione is very cool. Thinking through in the pain is just wow...commendable.
Peter Pettigrew killing self was brillinat idea. Usually I've read fics where when Voldy kills Potter but Wormy dies. But this was sorta original.
Death : I love Dobby. I just couldn't process it. And he dies by saying Harry Potter. ~i love Dobby~. Okay, Bella kills by knife.....?!
The wandmaker - Hate Griphook. Feel awkwardly about Ollivander, though.
The Elder wand sounds so much LOTR or Wizard books.
Shell Cottage - So, Lupin goes a complete 180. From I wanna leave to I'm a happy dad to Ted. I think he was having his period, but whateva.
Harry as Godfather is such a cool idea. He's like Sirius. Reckless. But smart enough to recognize the parallel.
I think I wanna live in Shell Cottage sorta place. But it'll be bad in Rainy days!
Gringotts - Okay. The cover totally fits, man. I love how they are in the vault and cant touch.
Hermione as Bella is a bit cool for roleplay.
I wanna know the protections they had for the vault.
Dragon as protecting vault = coolness.
The Final Resting Place - I think the trio should have kept the dragon. Waste of dung.
So, Voldy's all dumb if he thinks that Dumbledore didnt know about his horcri collection. I mean, how dumb can he get? In the first chapter he says, he has been careless..but he doesn't learn, does he?
The Missing Mirror - Aberfoth partonus = goat.. Hillarious.
I like it when Harry comes back to being Dumbledore supporter, defends him from Aberforth. He's still Dumbledore's man through and through. Love the love. Feel the love.
The Lost Diadem - Neville is the LOVE! He kicks ass. He's the chosen one for Hogwarts, I guess. He leads the movement. Nevile-ness.
Ginny goes all protective for Harry vs. Cho. I love the 'he's my man' bit.
Ravenclaw passwords are cool. One should be - Why did Warner Bros. change Flitwick in third movie?
The Sacking of Severus Snape - Harry performs his first unforgivable. The Carrows deserve it.
Snape as Batman. Loved it.
Loved the duel between McG and Snapeman. It was very similar to Albus and Voldy in M of M.
Percy weasles his way in. I dont know what to say. I thought there would be a bit more to it than just his snivelling in. But...no time, I guess, its war.
The Battle of Hogwarts - I thought the battle to be at Hogwarts but never on such a grand scale. I hate how all Slytherins are shown bad. How none of them stay. I felt a little betrayed. Dont know why. In her interview to LeakyMug, Jo said that all Slytherins aren't bad. But Jo, I thought, the number would be more than ONE.
Okay, Grey Lady should have been shown before. This was unexpected.
Mandrakes for Voldy. Voldy with earmuffs. Pottercast recaps.
ODD : Ron making Parseltongue. Is it that simple?...
Ron and Hermione...cool..I love Ron getting sensitive on his own, without readin that stupid metrosexual book.
I still can't get Draco. He corners Harry in the Room of Requirement. For what? not to kill him, is it? what's happening to him?
Death : Is this the way to kill Fred. Died in explosion. Fred....I said...sadness.
The Elder Wand - Luna, Ernie and Seamus. 3 houses working together.
OK. Snape. I think in a way he deserved such a death. Torturing the kids. Docking points. But it was so painful and unnecessary in another way. Felt really bad. Why couldn't Voldy just expelliarmused him. Snape. Snape. I'll hear what Snapecast says on this.
The Prince's Tale - This seems like a fairy tale/Fan fiction. Lily and Snape was always good for me. I think if Snape had not aligned himself with the Death Eaters then, Lily would have been with him. But as it happens....
Snape's patronus of Doe....so endearing. I couldn't ever imagine Canon Snape to be so nice.
Harry finds that he's a horcrux here. I think this was like the biggest burden, more than the prophecy. But it is in a way the prophecy..."Neither can live..."
The Forest again - This chapter is very emotional for me, I guess. Here Harry decides that he'll sacrifice himself for all. Then he opens the snitch for the stone. He surrounded by family is very emotional and when he asks if death is painful, loved how Sirius replies"Dying, not at all..quicker and easier than falling asleep."
Harry faces Voldermort without any help, without parents and friends. Hero facing the villian, without any help and more than villian, facing death full in the face, without fear. Great chapter.
King's Cross - Very Matrix. But well handled. Dumbledore and Harry have a converstion. Facing death is living. And the epitah on Potter's grave makes sense now.
Dumbledore apologising...wow...The fact that he reappears is in itself so great that I didnt even care what he said. OK I did. But the fact that he used the stone for himself, is a bit dodgy but also shows his real motivations and feelings. I wish we had more foreshadowing of his life. My favourite line : "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?"
The Flaw in the Plan - So Voldy shoots and kills self. Great plan. Caution : Before firing the AK spell, make sure that al your souls are in your possession. IDIOT
Okay, I read this on some forum. The fact that Harry first saved by Mother's love, and even now, he is saved by mother's love. Narcissa's for Draco. Yeeeahhhh for Malfoy Family.
Ok, Neville as loyal Gryffindor is so amazing. He kills Nagini. And Yeeeah for the Srting Hat. Griphook will be so angry!
Mrs. Weasley going PG is so cool. Weasleys kick ass.
Love saves the day!
Why did Rowling leave it so unspecific. No details about any career. The children?? Albus Severus...wtf?!...James and Lily..where's Sirius? Its a bit strange...to see them all at age 36....
..Scorpius....lol..its a funny name..but its a Malfoy name. I felt bad for Draco..survived but islolated. Angst fics..coming up!
ok i can see that u took the whole thing a bit too seriously....but hey...thts how it shld be right....i need to discuss a lot of things ..so i think il go with ur idea of going chapter wise...
will drop in my views soon.....
"Kreacher's Tale - Love Rowling. Cant help loving Kreacher after all of this.
Sirius's bedroom = rebellion, punk teenager.
RAB = didnt we already know this? I knew. Harry = stupid."
ilaughed when i read that :)
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