Sunday, February 8, 2009

Movies galore

Watching : Sidney Lumet's Network
This weekend was spent in watching Oscar nominated movies...Watched Milk, and Reader. But also watched movies like The conversation by Francis Ford C. A brilliant take on privacy, secrecy and loneliness.
Watched Anchorman-legend of Ron burgundy....Just a fun watch...Funny as hell
Superbad - seemingly real teen comedy. Very funny..
And now I'm watching Network... Can think of so many ways to have creative programming.....
More on it later..back to watching the movie..
From an angry old man, venting out his frustrations and pointing out the hypocrisies of this generation, to a preacher man, lecturing masses on an assembly line production show.
We'll tell you any shit you wanna hear - Network

(reviews later..if i got the time :))