Thursday, December 18, 2008


Listening to: Ennio Morricone soundtrack (just found it last week. Fistful of dollars is great)

I'm leaving in two days.
For home. Delhi seems a distant dream..but come tomorrow, and I will be there, in the cold, freezing and loving it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

5 days to Homecoming

its time to go home...finally...

Going home should be fantastic after staying in a place you aren't particularly fond of. Missing mom's food and touch, missing sister's silly behaviour, missing little bit of grannie nagging, missing the cold and the heat.

Delhi is home, a home that made me lazy and grumbly and maybe a bit of everything. But it is only through the knowledge of not being at home that, one can come to love it with all their heart. Missing home is hard jobb; but atleast you can look forward to being back home.
PS: Started seeing Entourage. It dulls the pain a bit.